Rumal is in active development and currently has support for the following features.
- Running scans via GUI.
- Support for multiple front-ends on a common back-end. User can choice which back-end (from a list of available back-ends) to submit the scan to, or select any.
- Graphing of scan data into a tree.
- Geo IP based info visualization using MaxMind DB
- A built-in plugin for adding Whois data lookup.
- Multiple sharing modes: Private, Public and within Groups
- Bookmark Public and your own Scans.
- Code highlighting for stored code using Google Code Prettify
- Enrichment daemon couple with a simple plugin development API to allow extension as needed.
- Social elements: Commenting on a specific node in the scan tree, modifying sharing modes of scans and adding tags to scans.
- Advanced searching scans available to view with our custom query language.